How To Tell If You Have Hard Water in Your Home?

We use water on a daily basis. As homeowners, we tend to think that our water is acceptable as long as the tap is on and the water is flowing, right? Well, unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. The truth is you can have problems with your water that appear in various ways, one of which is called hard water. It might be difficult to tell if you have hard water in your house if you’re unfamiliar with plumbing and how it works. Nevertheless, at Narrow Path Plumbing, we asked our plumbers to share a few indicators that present themselves if your home has hard water.

Are Your Faucets, Sinks, and Tiles Keeping Residue Build-up?

Did you know that soap scum, film, calcium, and scale deposits are all caused by hard water? More often than not, if you are experiencing any of these issues, it is a clear sign that your home has hard water. On top of that, if you’re having trouble keeping your dishes clean, cleaning your shower every week, or if your toilets start acquiring rust-colored stains, these are all products of hard water.

Do Your Faucets Have a Slow Flow of Water?

Water that is high in minerals, such as magnesium and calcium, can cause your faucets to have a low flow or refuse to operate. Hard water is caused by mineral deposits, which clog your water pipes and fittings. Because hard water causes blocked pipes and fixtures, it’s no surprise that your faucets will have a slow flow of water.

Do You Have Itchy or Dry Skin?

Daily showers, baths, and even washing your hands with hard water can damage your skin. Because soap residue is more difficult to remove from hard water, it may be left on you, causing dry, itching skin. Furthermore, if your family members have dermatitis or other skin diseases, their symptoms may worsen. If so, talk to one of our plumbing specialists today!

Has Your Hair Felt Dingy or Dull?

After each shower, do you have trouble rinsing the soap out of your hair? Do your family members complain about dirty or dull hair? These can all be indications that your home contains hard water. Rinsing your hair in hard water may be difficult due to minerals that can be deposited, thus leaving residue behind and making your hair feel unclean, dingy, and dull.

If you’re having any of the problems outlined above, your house may be running hard water. Some temporary solutions are dishwasher detergents with borax, water softening detergent for daily laundry, or even lotion after every shower. However, your best bet is to hire experts at Narrow Path Plumbing. Our plumbers are skilled, insured, and licensed to install a home water softener. So if you would like a hard water test done or schedule a water softener installation, give us a call today at (937) 623-2619, or schedule an appointment online now by clicking here!         

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